form G-325A Biographic Information

Form G-325A : Biographic Information

Are you in the application process to become a legal permanent resident or naturalized citizen? When filing for a green card (the photo identification card proving your legal residency in the United States) or for citizenship, you may need to complete Form G-325A in addition to your application.

The supplemental form asks for basic information about you and the person sponsoring you — your U.S. citizen fiancé(e) or spouse, for example. The information you provide will be used by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to complete a background check before approving your petition. It is important that your form is accurate and complete.

Read below to learn more about the information you will provide for Form G-325A. When you’re ready, easily complete Form G-325A using Road to Status’s step-by-step software.


To complete Form G-325A, you will need to provide your:

Name and Date of Birth

Family Information

  • Name, birth date, place of birth, and residence for your parents (if known)


  • Including information about your current spouse and/or any previous marriages (if applicable)


  • Your current address, residence over the last 5 years, and your most recent residence outside of the United States


  • Your employer(s) and occupation(s) for the last 5 years

Name in native alphabet (if applicable)

  • When completing the form electronically, print the completed form and then write in your name in your native alphabet


  • Do not forget to sign your form or it will be rejected!

Incorrect or inaccurate information on Form G-325A may cause your application to be denied. Fill out the form honestly, accurately, and completely.

  • In the event you possessed false documents (social security number) or worked without authorization, you may wish to consult an immigration attorney before submitting your application.
  • If you would like to have an immigration attorney review your application documents before submitting, Road to Status offers a network of partner attorneys to help you ensure your application is complete and accurate.
  • If you do not know the information, do not provide false information. Don’t guess on anything, take the time to find the true information and come back when you’re sure. For several fields, you may enter “none” or “unknown”. For instance, if you are not currently employed, type or write “none” in the appropriate box.


Your immigration application will indicate which biographic information form you need to complete. Forms G-325, G-325A, G-325B, and G-325C are different. Double-check to make sure you submit the correct form.

Complete your form today! You and your sponsor will both need to submit Form G-325A with your immigration petition for permanent residence or naturalization. Road to Status’s Do-It-Yourself package makes it easy for you to complete the form and submit your application materials. Click here, and get started now.

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