Remove Conditions From Your Green Card

There are eligibility requirements you must meet before you begin applying to remove conditions from your green card. Find out what they are!

If you immigrated to the U.S. through marriage and are coming up on your 2 year anniversary, you should be getting ready to remove conditions from your green card. Check out if you qualify to petition to remove the conditions from your permanent residency. Being aware of all the requirements and resources is the best way to speed up a rather lengthy process. If you qualify, get started today!

Citizenship InterviewEligibility to Remove Conditions from your Green Card

  • If you are still married to the same U.S. citizen or permanent resident who petitioned for you after 2 years.
  • Are a child and cannot be included in your parents’ application
  • Are a widow or widower who married in good faith
  • Entered into your marriage in good faith, but the marriage ended through divorce, annulment,or death
  • Entered into your marriage in good faith, but either you or your child were battered or subjected to extreme hardship by your U.S.-citizen or permanent-resident spouse.


If you or someone you know is interested removing conditions from their green card, you can apply online here with Road to Status. If your case is more complex and you would like to speak with a licensed immigration attorney, you can learn more about the benefits of an initial consultation before deciding on the best path for you.

Road to Status™ is changing the way America processes immigration applications because the old way simply doesn’t work.

Road to Status™ provides immigration applicants with high quality, affordable immigration tools that are easy to use, secure, and accessible anywhere. Watch a short video to see how it works here. When needed, licensed immigration attorneys are available to help.

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The newsletters and articles found in this blog are offered only for general informational and educational purposes. They are not offered as and do not constitute legal advice or legal opinions.


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